Saturday, August 3, 2013

Aubrey Beardsley Portrait | Morgan Moe

Aubrey Beardsley, digital montage by Morgan Moe © 2013
Above Interpretive portrait of artist-writer Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898), a digital montage by Morgan Moe, graphic design student, University of Northern Iowa. Copyright © 2013 by Morgan Moe.


Mary Costigan, quoted in Remar Sutton and Mary Abbott Waite, eds., The Common Ground Book: A Circle of Friends. Latham NY: British American Publishing, 1992, p. 273—

When I taught kindergarten in a church basement, the men's room was a couple of doors down from the kindergarten proper. I missed a little boy but knew that he was probably in the rest room. I waited a little while and he never came back. So I went down and spoke to him through the door, asked him if he was having problems or anything. I didn't get an answer. I kept talking to him, telling him to hurry up. No answer. Finally, I told him I was going to come and get him. To which the pastor's voice replied, "I'm in here."