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Exhibition poster © Sadé Butler 2015 |
Anon Children's game verse, recorded in Edinburgh UK, c1940—
Shirley Oneple.
Shirley Twople.
Shirley Threeple.
Shirley Fourple.
Shirley Fiveple.
Shirley Sixple.
Shirley Sevenple.
Shirley Eightple.
Shirley Nineple.
Shirley Tenple.
Shirley Temple (Hollywood child film star)—
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six., Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked me for my autograph.
Robert Craft, An Improbable Life (Vanderbilt University Press, 2002), p. 147—
In 1953, he [Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky] broke off his connection with Hollywood's two Russian [Orthodox] churches, for the reason that the priest-confessor had asked him for his autograph.