Above Currently nearing completion is a new set of posters in connection with upcoming public presentations at the
Hartman Reserve Nature Center in Cedar Falls IA. As noted in an earlier post, during the remaining months of 2019, one hundred posters will be installed at that center's
Interpretive Building in four exhibits of twenty-five each.
Posters © Roy R. Behrens 2019 |
The next two presentations are
Saplings, Songbirds and Sonnets: An Exhuberant Celebration of Nature Through Poetry by
Laura Sohl-Cryer (2:00 pm,
Sunday, July 14) and
The Birds of Hartman Reserve: Bird-Friendly Communities by
Prairie Rapids Audubon Society (PRAS) (2:00 pm.
Sunday, August 11). All presentations are free and open to the public.
Each set of posters promotes a new pair of presentations, one each month. This new set of twenty-five "bird-themed" posters will be on display during the months of
July and August, for the presentations known as the
Second Sunday Speaker Series.
Poster © Roy R. Behrens 2019 |