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Joseph Podlesnik Poster © Ellen Holt (2016) • |
Podlesnik's photographs (reproduced with his permission from Almost Seeing) are of particular interest because (despite appearances) they were not constructed in Adobe Photoshop by sandwiching multiple layers. Nor are they double exposures. They are simply single frame, through the lens camera shots, by which he makes astonishing use of light, shadow and reflections.
Saki in The Chronicles of Clovis. New York: Penguin Classics, 1989—
"Is your maid called Florence?" "Her name is Florinda." "What an extraordinary name to give a maid!" "I did not give it to her; she arrived in my service already christened." "What I mean is," said Mrs. Riversedge, "that when I get maids with unsuitable names I call them Jane; they soon get used to it." "An excellent plan," said the aunt of Clovis coldly; "unfortunately I have got used to being called Jane myself. It happens to be my name."
H.G. Wells in Tales of Life and Adventure and Tales of Wonder. London: Heron Books, 1968—
"It's giving girls names like that [Euphemia]," said Buggins, "that nine times out of ten makes 'em go wrong. It unsettles 'em. If ever I was to have a girl, if ever I was to have a dozen girls, I'd call 'em all Jane."
• Photograph used in poster copyright © Joseph Podlesnik. All rights reserved.